Apostila para Concursos

by TecnoCentro - CTI Manaus



Are you preparing for public exams and cant find the right study material? Then download our study app now!See the handouts contained in this material:PortuguesePortuguese languagePortuguese handoutPronominal Placement (proclisis, mesoclisis, enclisis)Practical Guide - New SpellingTextual Interpretation and OrderingPunctuationPortuguese for Public TendersPreposition and conjunction (connectives)Adnominal and Adverbial Adjunct SummarySyntax and ConcordanceMathMathematics Workbook IMathematics Workbook IIMathematics Workbook IIIComplex Numbers WorkbookLogical Reasoning and Mathematics for examsFinancial mathFinancial Mathematics SummaryLogical-Quantitative ReasoningManagementPersonnel Administration and Human Resources ManagementPersonnel Administration, Manages Human Resources and Strategic ManagementFinancial and Budget ManagementPublic Administration Handout - SummaryHuman Resources HandoutsBasics of Public AdministrationAdministration NotionsPlanning, Organization, Direction and ControlCommented Questions Financial AdministrationYou can still buy the PDF handouts through our application, receiving all the material contained by email.Contact (92) 99343-3396 for more information.